Dr. Taylor Pardue ND, CCT, CNHP
Dr. Taylor Pardue is the owner of Accurate Wellness Thermography. She graduated from Trinity School of Natural health with a Clinically Certified Health Professional and Doctor of Naturopathy Degree. She received her Clinically Certified Thermography certificate in 2011 from the International Association of Medical Thermography. She has worked side by side with world renowned Naturopath, Dr. Tom Slider for over ten years. While interning with Dr. Slider, Dr. Pardue has received over 1000 hours of hands on experience. The knowledge she has gained from this experience is invaluable. She specializes in Iridology, Kinesiology, and Women’s wellness. Her passion is educating about the misconceptions of current health “trends”. Dr. Pardue helps each of her clients understand their unique chemistry and energy and implements individualized protocols that assist the achievement of optimal health.
Individualized Services
Accurate Wellness uses Digital Infrared Imaging to detect early signs of disease and degeneration. This FDA-approved imaging system uses your body’s thermoregulation process, as unique as your fingerprint, to monitor your wellness and detect abnormalities in their early stages using absolutely NO RADIATION.
Accurate Wellness is a natural healing and imaging service provider. All of our images are performed by I.A.M.T. Certified Clinical Thermographers and reviewed and interpreted by Board Certified Medical Doctors. We truly believe in the power of Thermography and how it can provide life changing information for our clients. We want you to have a warm, safe, and educating experience when working with Accurate Wellness. We are here to serve you! When you come for a scan with Accurate Wellness you will be provided with the following;
International Association Of Medical Thermography, IAMT, has the most superior software in the industry for Digital Infrared Imaging.
All reports are read and interpreted by Board Certified Medical Doctors.
Our camera meets optical lines required for full body imaging.
Our Thermographers have gone through extensive training and have passed their certification exam.
Our Clinically Certified Thermographer has over 10 years of hands on imaging experience.
We require all proper protocols to be met and implemented for the accuracy of your scan.
All images are taken in a swift yet thorough manner to keep you comfortable.
Updated insurance codes are provided to submit to your insurance provider.
All reports AND images with be directly sent to your email. This gives you the convenience to print and take your report to any health practitioner of your choice. This allows you to implement protocols to help aid in the reversal of abnormal findings.
Check out our Wellness Team page for a list of trusted practitioners.
After receiving your report you can set up a ten minute complementary phone consultation by email or phone. This consultation will be to explain your report to you in simple way to help better understand your results. You can also schedule your follow up at this time to ensure you come back to form your baseline.
Holistic health consultation will be provided at a discounted price to all Thermography clients.
Holistic Health and Wellness Consultations
Find the root cause of your issues with Dr. Taylor using applied Kinesiology, iridology, and Master Herbology. Treat the root cause of your health issues and schedule your consultation today. Kinesiology, also known as biomechanics, is the study of body movement. Applied kinesiology (AK) which is also know as muscle strength testing, is a method of diagnosis and treatment based on the belief that various muscles are linked to particular organs and glands, and that specific muscle weakness can signal distant internal problems such as nerve damage, reduced blood supply, chemical imbalances or other organ or gland problems. Practitioners contend that by correcting this muscle weakness, you can help heal a problem in the associated internal organ.
Iridology, Iridology is based on the scientific study of the iris -- the colored part of the eye. Like markings on a map, the iris reveals physiological conditions, psychological health risks, challenges and/or strengths of various organs and personality traits. Through iridology we can get an understanding of your past, present, and potential future health conditions by assessing the various body systems. Your inherited tendencies compounded by toxic accumulations in various parts of your body are also revealed. The Science of Iridology is based on the analogy of one of the most complicated tissue structures of the whole body - the iris. It is a method whereby the doctor or health practitioner can tell, from markings or signs in the iris, the reflex condition of various organs and systems of the body. These markings represent a detailed picture of the integrity of the body; it's constitutional potentials, areas of congestion or toxic accumulations and inherent challenges and gifts.
Herbalism, Plants, be they the whole plant, the bark, the root, the flower or leaf, or even an extract of a plant constituent, are a type of medicine that is used to promote health, as well as prevent and treat illness. Part of the beauty and magic of plants is that they are easily accessible and have been used by people from around the world as an important healing modality. Much of the world’s population still relies today on the use of plants as medicine. you should know that Herbal medicine is, in and of itself, a way to stimulate and restore the body’s natural healing capacity through the use of plants. Although acute symptoms can be resolved quickly and effectively using herbs, the typical goal is not to alleviate a specific symptom, but to stimulate the body’s natural healing capacity to address the root or underlying cause of the health issue.
Herbs are used to restore and maintain three important bodily functions: digestion and assimilation, sleep, and elimination. When the body is performing these three functions with ease, it is better able to prevent disease and illness and to repair and heal any damage that has already occurred.
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Holistic Health Consultation
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